Alignments Avebury Beehive huts Boyne Valley complex Burren Caer Camel Carrowkeel Carrowmore Craggaunowen Devil's Arrows Dingle Dolmens Dublin Five Fingers Glastonbury Abbey Glastonbury Tor Glendalough Haroldstown dolmen Hill of Tara Kerzerho Kilmalkedar Knocknarea Knowth Lough Crew Lough Gur Mané Kerioned Menec Newgrange Passage tombs Piper's Stones Poulnabrone Rollright Stones Severn Bridge Silbury Hill Skelligs St. Ives St. Pierre Standing stones Stone circles Stonehenge Table des Marchands Tintagel Trethevy Quoit Wedge tombs Wells Cathedral
Tag Archives: Five Fingers
We started out heading south to have a look around Waterford and Wexford, with a quick stop at Jerpoint Abbey on the way. There aren’t a lot of megaliths down there, but we saw some nice ones. Harristown passage tomb … Continue reading
Posted in 1992
Tagged Ballynageragh dolmen, Bohonaugh stone circle and dolmen, Boyne Valley complex, Castle Haven, Dingle, Dolmens, Dowth, Drishane, Dublin, Five Fingers, Gaulstown dolmen, Harristown passage tomb, Jerpoint Abbey, Kilbride church, Knockeen dolmen, Knowth, Matthewstown wedge tomb, Newgrange, Passage tombs, Reenascreena stone circle, Standing stones, Stone circles, Wedge tombs
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This was it. This was a big deal. I was going to Carnac. I was going to see those alignments I’d read about in Mary Stewart’s books. The plan was to spend a few days in Dublin to see friends, … Continue reading
Tagged Alignments, Altar wedge tomb, Carnac, Dolmens, Dublin, Five Fingers, Gavrinis, Kercado, Kermario, Le Grand Menhir Brisé, Menec, Menhir de Champ Dolent, Mont St. Michel, Newgrange, Passage tombs, Petit Kermario, Proleek, Quiberon, St. Pierre, Standing stones, Table des Marchands, Three Castle Head, Tintagel, Toulvern
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