Alignments Avebury Beehive huts Boyne Valley complex Burren Caer Camel Carrowkeel Carrowmore Craggaunowen Devil's Arrows Dingle Dolmens Dublin Five Fingers Glastonbury Abbey Glastonbury Tor Glendalough Haroldstown dolmen Hill of Tara Kerzerho Kilmalkedar Knocknarea Knowth Lough Crew Lough Gur Mané Kerioned Menec Newgrange Passage tombs Piper's Stones Poulnabrone Rollright Stones Severn Bridge Silbury Hill Skelligs St. Ives St. Pierre Standing stones Stone circles Stonehenge Table des Marchands Tintagel Trethevy Quoit Wedge tombs Wells Cathedral
Tag Archives: Tintern Abbey
It was a three-day weekend, what they call a bank holiday weekend, and we were off to the ferry to Wales after work on Friday. This was when I learned about Fidelma’s talent for seasickness. I’d planned this trip to … Continue reading
Posted in 1990
Tagged Avebury, Caer Camel, Dolmens, Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury Tor, Old Sarum, Severn Bridge, Silbury Hill, Standing stones, Stone circles, Stonehenge, Tintern Abbey, Woodhenge
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